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Bookkeeping Reporting: Account Payable processing (creditors):
This is the input into the purchase journal of suppliers invoices. From the purchase journal and cash book (which records payments to suppliers. summarised info is fed to the creditors ledger to determine who is owed how much and aged in an age analysis At month end creditors reconciliation between creditors statemets to us and our creditors ledger is done and payment made to suppliers.

Account Receivable processing (debtors):
Input of information of goods and services supplied to customers This is the input into the sales Journal of invoices to customers Information is summaried in the sales journal and fed to a customers ledger (debtors ledger) Information is also fed from the cash book to the customers ledger of receipts from customers. From the debtors ledger one is able to ascertain how much is owed to the busines and and age analysis is obtained stating how old the debts are eg 30, 60, 90 days etc. Statements are sent out at month end to customers requesting payment